ON Semiconductor CEO expects auto chip backlog to end by third quarter

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My Time-Lapse Setup

For the past 18 months, I have been working closely with a local architecture firm in Austin to…

KeraCel Inc. appoints Hassane El-Khoury to Board of Directors

KeraCel, a leading innovator in multi-material additive manufacturing using its proprietary 3D…

Another Manticore Dashboard

Everything starts with the correct setup. You cannot develop hardware or firmware without having a…

Kicking-Off The Manticore Project

Just like everyone in their respective cities, I am under the shelter-in-place order in Austin. We…

Cypress Headquaters

The Next Chapter

We have just received confirmation that the Infineon acquisition of Cypress is legally completed.…

Leadership During the COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 has changed daily life as we know it. However temporary, we are living in unprecedented…

Problem Solving to be Proud of – Cypress’ Global Impact

2019. To some degree, I feel like the year in and of itself is a statement. In the last three…

Manticore Dyno run

Manticore Dyno Run

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Hassane El-Khoury CEO of Cypress

Me, as CEO

You have made it to the last blog in the #KnowOurCEO series. I hope you have enjoyed reading about…

Hassane El-Khoury CEO at Cypress

My 90-Day Plan

My story isn’t just a path to CEO, it’s a path to be the best version of myself. Welcome to my blog…

Automated Out of a Job

My story isn’t just a path to CEO, it’s a path to be the best version of myself. Welcome to my blog…